

  • Food

    The Mommy Cookie

    Snow day! Snow day. Snow day? It’s all kinds of hot chocolate and snowman fun on the first day. The second day is a relief too, no work, more time to rest. But by the third day it’s a little ridiculous. You’re trapped inside! To ease the monotony, I decided to collect a few of my favorite things (cinnamon, pecans and coconut) and put them into a cookie. A “Mommy” cookie. My 5-year-old doesn’t like nuts so anything with nuts in it she declares a “mommy” thing. And promptly loses interest. And that is how you get a preschooler to retreat from a treat. It gives me uninterrupted pleasure. And mommy…

  • Food

    Open Omelette

    Do you know what it means to wake up and make yourself a breakfast like this? It’s a love letter to yourself. And this open faced omelet whispered: “I love you, Chaundra” Repeatedly. The cheese smiled at me. This lil bit of chicken sausage gave me a wink. That bit of tomato said, “You’re so special” And the carmelized onion kept giggling. Their final words were: “Now go out there and have a great day!” I encourage you to make yourself a good breakfast, too. Fill it full of your favorite things. Then sit there in front of a sunlit window and eat it in silence. You’ll feel the love too. I promise.…

  • Food

    Good Morning.

    Ahhh, morning. What a blessed time of day. Especially when I’ve had a full night’s sleep. I can wake up bright and early enough to produce lovely treats like this miniature egg souffle. Wanna know what’s in it? Okay, chicken, spinach, asparagus and some EGG, of course! See, it’s all light and fluffy under there. A melody of textures in my mouth, the crisp crunch of asparagus, the chew of the chicken….delight Good Morning. Mini Egg Souffle Print Ingredients 1 egg per ramekin ½ cup of cream per egg assorted fillings, I used some chopped chicken and spinach and leftover asparagus Instructions Fill your little ramekin with whatever you like,…